Transferable Skills Key to Reemployment
Lori worked for Spring Arbor University as an associate professor and was laid off due to staff downsizing. After losing her job, she found it difficult to find a comparable position at other colleges and universities, as few were hiring in her area of specialization.
Lori came to Michigan Works! Southwest in September 2019 and tapped into a myriad of career development resources to teach her how to transfer her skills to other career fields. Because Lori became unemployed at no fault of her own, she accessed Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) services including a personalized appointment, interview training, resume review and career coaching. She also participated in deeper discussions on how her skills as a professor could translate to other career areas.
After attending the first RESEA appointment, Lori shared that she was landed an interview for a career coaching position. She applied for a career coaching position which relates well to her ability to connect with other people on any level. With her Michigan Works! Southwest career coaching mentor, they prepared for the interview, focusing on potential questions and prepared answers. Lori applied her training at the interview and got the job.
Adapting to a new career field and the environment was a challenge for Lori. Although her previous skills translated very well, she had to use them differently.