Timing and Perseverance Generate Positive Career Prospects
Sometimes, being in the right place at the right time is just as important as the effort you put into something. In the case of Matthew’s recent accomplishments, the timing was definitely on his side. Unable to find work since last spring, Matthew decided it was a good time to seek assistance through the FAE&T program at Michigan Works! Southwest.
From there, he was paired with Career Coach Christina and began receiving immediate support.
“Christina was really the main benefit to be 100% honest,” Matthew said. “I tell her all the time: ‘You don’t just do your job. You like what you do, and you go above and beyond’.”
After connecting with Michigan Works! Southwest, Matthew had applied for only a handful of jobs before receiving a response.
“It wasn’t the first job I applied for, but it was the one I really wanted,” he explained.
Thanks to his prompt application, the employer offered him an interview immediately. Luckily, Matthew had received some job coaching assistance from Internship and Resource Coordinator Chad Timmerman just days before.
“It was so weird how [the training] happened, then all of the sudden I had an interview,” he commented. “Perfect timing, everything fell into place so nicely.”
Matthew was told by the employer that he was expedited through the hiring process in record time. And he is already moving up in the ranks. Matthew was quickly moved into the Store Manager position at the Beckley Road location of Check ‘n Go, which is the largest store in that district.
Although he takes ownership of his efforts, he also acknowledged he could not have done it without the help of his Career Coach and Michigan Works! Southwest.
“I did what I did, but I couldn’t have done what I did without Christina,” he said. “I really enjoyed the PATH program; it definitely got me on the right track. I really enjoy where I’m at right now, and I couldn’t have done it without the PATH program.”
If you or someone you know could benefit from the PATH program, please contact the Michigan Works! Southwest service center nearest you.