Working together for workforce development solutions, our partners are serious about improving employment opportunities

Michigan Works! Southwest’s partners value the positive impact of meaningful employment. Michigan Works! Southwest works together to help workers with their job search, and for employers to have successful job recruitment of qualified candidates. Together, Michigan Works! Southwest and our partners promote personal and professional success for individuals, businesses, and communities.

Community Development Partners
Branch County Literacy Council

Branch County Literacy Council

The BCLC, focusing on equipping adults in Branch County with the skills needed to learn to read or become stronger readers.

Kalamazoo Literacy Council

Kalamazoo Literacy Council

The KLC, a nonprofit organization, coordinates volunteers to help adults learn to read, so that they can become better readers and spellers. Tutors provide individualized programs that create opportunities and improve lives, free of charge.

St. Joseph County Literacy Council

The SJCLC works with adults who want to learn to read. Their volunteers help adults either start from the beginning, or build on their literacy skills wherever they’re at.

United Way of South Central Michigan

United Way of South Central Michigan

United Way of South Central Michigan (UWSCM) drives impact by leading shared efforts that engage diverse people, ideas and resources.

Economic Development

Albion Economic Development Corporation

The Albion EDC works with business and industry, striving to growth in the greater Albion area.

Battle Creek Unlimited

BCU, serving as the economic development arm for the city of Battle Creek, is a private, nonprofit corporation helping to grow local business

Branch County Economic Growth Alliance

The Branch Country Economic Growth Alliance’s primary goal is to stimulate economic development in Branch County, with a strong focus on the County’s industrial parks.

Marshall Area Economic Development Alliance

The MAEDA strives to enrich the citizens of Marshall through economic prosperity and development of local resources.

Southwest Michigan First

Southwest Michigan First is ardently working to augment job creation and is cultivating and building a resilient economy in Southwest Michigan.

Education Development

Branch County Intermediate School District Educational Service Agency

The Branch County ISD is dedicated to delivering life-long learning opportunities to every resident in our community.

Calhoun County Intermediate School District

The CCISD works with 13 constituent districts and four public school academies to make the benefits educational services and support available for all.

Glen Oaks Community College

GOCC provides quality educational programs that meet the needs of community members throughout their lives as well as the support services needed for success.

Kalamazoo Valley Community College

KVCC offers innovative educational programs designed to help you achieve success and reach your goals for the future.

Kalamazoo Valley Groves Center

The KVGC develops close partnership within local industry leaders who are interested in developing standardized and customized training programs that expand employment skills.

Michigan Works! Southwest Training Opportunities

Kalamazoo Regional Educational Service Agency

KRESA focuses on innovation in their educational programs, and rewards innovative educators and learners with leadership and team opportunities.

Kellogg Community College

KCC is committed to accessible, high-quality education that develops our community through the lives of individual community members.

Kellogg Community College Regional Manufacturing Technology Center

The RMTC is a community-focused training facility located within the Fort Custer Industrial Park in Battle Creek, Michigan. Blending traditional education with hands on experiences, RMTC works with business and industry to provide specialized training.

Michigan Career and Technical Institute

The MCTI provides educational opportunities for adults with disabilities in Michigan, starting with a career assessment, they work with students to investigate job options.

St. Joseph County Intermediate School District

SJCISD works with all students to improve educational opportunities to leverage economic opportunities, by coordinating the efforts of students, educators, parents, and the community.

Western Michigan University

WMU works with local organizations to build our community by focusing on educational opportunities and economic development throughout our region.

Workforce Development


AARP is not only a nonprofit but also a nonpartisan organization that works for people 50 and older to improve their quality of life.

Bureau of Services for Blind Persons

The Michigan Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (BSBP) serves people who are blind or visually impaired and are looking for independence through employment.

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

When families need help, the MDHHS offers many programs to help with temporary assistance.

Michigan Department of Corrections

We create a safer Michigan by holding offenders accountable while promoting their future success for community prosperity.

Michigan AFL-CIO Workforce Development Institute

Michigan AFL-CIO Workforce Development Institute

The Workforce Development Institute (WDI) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation established and operated to provide employment and training services to unemployed and underemployed Michigan residents.

Michigan Rehabilitation Services

“Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS) provides specialized employment and education-related services and training to assist teens and adults with disabilities in becoming employed or retaining employment.”

Michigan Veterans’ Employment Services

MVES works with veterans and their spouses to access education and employment opportunities as well as other resources.

Youth Opportunities Unlimited

Career Connect - Career Pathway Planning Programming

Career Connect’s Career Pathway Planning Program provides young people in Southwest Michigan with academic enrichment, job training and workforce readiness opportunities designed to enhance individual and community-wide prosperity.

A proud partner of the American Job Center network.

An equal opportunity employer / program supported by the State of Michigan. 1-800-285-WORK (9675).
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request. Dial 711 Relay Center and TTY. Supported in part with state and/or federal funds.