Michigan Works! Southwest partnering with local banking experts to host financial literacy workshop series for adults
KALAMAZOO, MICH. – Michigan Works! Southwest launched a series of brand-new financial literacy workshops for adults facing financial barriers, those looking to connect with a banking institution, or are seeking a fresh perspective on managing finances.
In the new series, there are two types of workshop sessions being offered: Financial Literacy Overview sessions hosted by Michigan Works! Career Coaches, and Banking Professionals Led Workshops hosted by local banking experts.
The Financial Literacy Overview sessions are offered online and in-person at all four Michigan Works! Southwest service centers. Designed to provide adults with a financial literacy overview, job search planning, and assistance mapping out a plan for financial freedom, these workshop sessions are one hour long and hosted by skilled Michigan Works! Career Coaches. Session dates and times include:
In-person sessions, Michigan Works! Kalamazoo County Service Center (3-4 p.m. EDT):
- Monday, May 16
- Monday, June 13
- Monday, July 11
Virtual sessions, open to all counties (10-11 a.m. EDT):
- Thursday, June 2
- Thursday, June 30
- Thursday, July 28
The Banking Professionals Led Workshops, also offered in online and in-person formats at all four counties’ service centers, feature virtual presentations from local banking experts on important topics such as budgeting, improving credit, paying off debt, mortgage and auto loans, and more.
Session dates and topics led by banking professionals take place bi-monthly on Wednesdays, from 2-3 p.m. EDT.
- Budgeting 101 – Your Income and Expenses – May 25
- Saving for Your Future – June 8
- The Dreaded Credit Score and Credit Report – June 22
- Debt, AHHHHH! – July 6
- Financial Freedom, That Sounds Nice – August 6
- Identify Theft, Don’t Become a Victim – August 17
The new series of financial literacy workshops are being held now until the end of August, with anticipation of a continued schedule.
“We are extremely excited to partner with several local banking industry experts to share their knowledge with the communities we serve. We know that finances are difficult to manage, especially right now with the changing economy,” said Amanda Sutherland, Administrator for Workforce Development at Michigan Works! Southwest. “We are looking forward to providing these workshops to help those who need it to learn important skills regarding their financial freedom.”
Those interested in seeing the full schedule and signing up for the workshops visit our Events page to do so.