Meet Jeana Hamilton, May’s Shining Star!
Jeana goes out of her way to make customers comfortable by greeting everyone with a smile and a pleasant voice and by consistently maintaining a positive attitude. She is a top-notch multi-tasker, serving multiple customers at a time and never misses a step in the registration process, or for any other need in the service center. Jeana is a team player, very knowledgeable, and willing to share that knowledge with her coworkers. Jeana never misses an opportunity to make a referral that better assists Michigan Works! Southwest customers. Most of all, she consistently displays patience and understanding for each customer’s circumstances. Congratulations, Jeana, on receiving May’s Shining Star Award!
The Shining Star Award celebrates Michigan Works! agency front line staff who, through dedication and outstanding contributions to workforce development, personify the Michigan Works! Southwest mission. Each month, staff are welcome to submit nominations for colleagues they believe meet this criteria.