Meet Cherise Buchanan, Shining Star for June 2024!

Meet Cherise Buchanan, Michigan Works! Southwest Shining Star for June 2024!

Cherise is a great leader who is always willing to go out of the way to assist participants and staff alike, including helping three of her team members successfully transition into new positions, which has demonstrated she is incredibly encouraging and supportive of her staff’s endeavors. Cherise has also taken on additional responsibilities and has stepped up to give direction and assist with finding solutions and resources for customers.

Among her accomplishments is the Connect Battle Creek website, of which she was a key player in the implementation and structuring of. Cherise is a problem solver and wisely taps into the resources and strengths of her team members to create a more efficient work environment. She is deeply devoted to assisting individuals in the Battle Creek Community and is always ready and willing to go above and beyond to extend a helping hand to those in need. Cherise is deeply deserving of the Shining Star Award and is everything someone would wish for in a colleague, and then some!

Thank you, Cherise, for your hard work and commitment to the Michigan Works! Southwest mission and to the customers we serve. Michigan Works! Southwest is grateful to have you on our team and proud to have you as June’s Shining Star!