Lynn Page Receives 2024 Shining Star Award for Michigan Works! Southwest
SOUTHWEST MICHIGAN – On Tuesday, September 10, Lynn Page, Business Solutions Coordinator for Michigan Works! Southwest, received the 2024 Shining Star Award for the Branch, Calhoun, Kalamazoo, and St. Joseph County service area. The Shining Star Award celebrates Michigan Works! Agency front line staff who, through dedication and outstanding contributions to workforce development, personify the Michigan Works! mission.
Lynn Page began her career in March 2020 with Michigan Works! Southwest as a Business Solutions Representative, where she focused on talent matching and advancement opportunities, including training, for employees of local businesses. In July 2023, she moved into the position of Business Solutions Coordinator for Branch and St. Joseph Counties which gives her the opportunity to interact with the businesses where she lives and focus on career events where middle and high school students explore opportunities and connect with employers.
When asked about her role at Michigan Works! Southwest, Lynn shared, “Having lived in St. Joseph County my entire life, it’s an honor to serve as the representative of Michigan Works! Southwest for the businesses. I think the best part of my job is interacting with people every day, sharing opportunities for success with customers, and helping businesses to grow and flourish! I am so blessed to work with such caring, compassionate teams, including all the partners in the communities we serve.”
Lynn hit the ground running in 2024, doing incredible research into how employers and job seekers can utilize the MiREACH grant and identifying ways to connect them to this resource. Additionally, she has taken on several community focused speaking engagements, representing Michigan Works! Southwest, to inform individuals of available services.
Ashley Iovieno, Director of Business Solutions for MWSW, stated, “Lynn has an exceptional willingness to take on new challenges and lead new projects and her innovative thinking creates opportunities for employer customers to be successful in talent attraction and retention.”
Lynn thoroughly enjoys sharing about Michigan Works! Southwest services and connecting local businesses to available opportunities. Her passion for her work is evident in her eagerness to assist all Michigan Works! Southwest customers and her constant endeavor for each employee and employer to thrive.
Lynn’s colleagues describe her as a team player, and her commitment to the success of the Michigan Works! Southwest team and approach to thoughtful teamwork fosters an environment of collaboration throughout the system.
“Lynn’s dedication, attention to detail, passion to serve, and commitment to excellence truly exemplifies the mission of Michigan Works! Southwest,” stated Jakki Bungart-Bibb, Michigan Works! Southwest Director, “We are grateful to have her on our team!”
About Michigan Works! Southwest (MWSW)
Michigan Works! Southwest serves the four-county area of Branch, Calhoun, Kalamazoo, and St. Joseph counties and is operated through the research-driven and longstanding pillar of workforce development, the W.E. Upjohn Institute. Michigan Works! Southwest strives to build connections between job seekers looking to grow their careers and employers seeking quality candidates with the necessary job skills. Michigan Works! Southwest stays abreast of employment trends and maintains critical relationships with community partners to ensure connections are made between employers, educators, trainers, and employees.