A Letter From the Director
Dear colleagues,
As we look forward to the new year, I would like to acknowledge the challenges faced and the
lessons learned this past year. First, I would like to extend my gratitude to Michigan Works!
Southwest’s partners, customers, and stakeholders. Your unwavering support throughout this
unpredictable time helped us achieve significant outcomes. As we continue to serve employers
and job seekers, Michigan Works! Southwest is committed to excellent customer service,
career development and exploration, and ongoing collaboration and partnerships across the
region and state to ensure continued progress and impact in workforce development.
Undoubtedly, 2021 was filled with challenges that required constant adjustments to our
service delivery models and strategies – all with steadfast support and positive response from
our staff and partners. This allowed us to meet customers where they were at and deliver a
hybrid model of both virtual and in-person services throughout the year.
Bringing excellent and innovative services to the forefront is something Michigan Works!
Southwest has championed, and I am confident that we will continue to do so as we embrace
new opportunities and challenges in the year ahead.
Jakki Bungart-Bibb, Director
Michigan Works! Southwest