India Johnson’s Path to CNA Certification and Career Success with Michigan Works! Southwest
India Johnson is a youth who came to Michigan Works! Southwest in June of 2022 and was enrolled in WIOA Youth programming. India had been facing barriers to obtaining employment after receiving her high school diploma and completing classroom instruction toward her Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) certification. She was eager to become a CNA and gain full time employment in the medical field but faced challenges passing the CNA state exam. While working with her Michigan Works! Southwest Career Coach, Rachel Spalvieri, India was connected with Michigan Rehabilitation Services, and MRS staff assisted India with completing the process to acquire accommodations.
After receiving accommodations, India was able to enroll in a second CNA class through the Michigan Career and Technical Institute (MCTI) that began in July 2023. The MCTI course allowed participants to complete the training at a slower pace over a period of ten weeks. During her studies, India shared she was facing an additional barrier that involved obtaining work clothing. Rachel assisted her with obtaining the scrubs required for the CNA training program. Though difficult at times, India persevered to overcome challenges and reach her aspirations.
India went on to successful complete the CNA training program and pass the state CNA exam in September 2023. Following the completion of the training and becoming CNA certified, India began searching for a job using Michigan Works! Southwest WIOA Youth program resources that included job leads, resume assistance, and interview preparation. In December 2023, India reached her goal of obtaining full-time employment as a CNA as she was offered a position at Borgess Ascension Health in Kalamazoo.
“I am very grateful to have joined the program,” said India. “It provides people with opportunities to develop their work experience and explore career interests. I’ve been able to meet amazing peers as well as passing along good feedback to my family and friends to join along in furthering their careers. I’m appreciative of my Career Coach, Rachel, who has helped me as well in the process of bringing it all together and helping me meet my goals.”
India’s Career Coach recently followed up with her and reported that India is doing very well. She is continuing to work at Borgess Hospital and is also a part-time student at Kalamazoo Valley Community College, pursuing further career goals. Even amid difficulty, India persevered and sought out the support she needed to be successful, identifying and addressing barriers with her Career Coach, Rachel, so she could reach her goals. India’s career story is just beginning, and she is off to a great start!