7127 S. Westnedge Ave Ste #5A
Portage, MI 49002
We employ caregivers that go into the community to provide in home care for elderly and disabled individuals assisting with ADLs and iADLs that allow individuals to remain safely in their own homes. We provide full in house training as well as over 1500 web based training modules.
62249 Shimmel Road
Centreville MI 49032
1-269-294-4253 or 1-888-994-7818 ext 253
6767 West “O” Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49009
450 North Ave.
Battle Creek, MI 48037
Computer Tomography is a certificate program that is 2 semesters. You must be a Radiographer in order to go through this program.
6767 West “O” Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49009
1100 S. Rose St.
Kalamazoo, MI 49001
Work with adults and/or children with developmental disabilities in residential settings.
6767 West “O” Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49009
62249 Shimmel Road
Centreville MI 49032
1-269-294-4253 or 1-888-994-7818 ext 253
62249 Shimmel Road
Centreville MI 49032
1-269-294-4253 or 1-888-994-7818 ext 253
6767 West “O” Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49009
450 North Ave.
Battle Creek MI 48037
Note: This is a certificate program. It runs three semesters. (Fall, Spring and Sumer) and is 29 college credits.
450 North Ave.
Battle Creek, MI 48037
Note: This is an Associate Degree in Applied Science, Magnetic Resonance Imaging. This is a selective admission program. Once accepted into the program it is 4 semesters. (Summer, Fall, Spring and Summer)
450 North Ave.
Battle Creek, MI 48037
Note: Neurodiagnostic Tech is an Associated Degree in Applied Science, Neurodiagnostic. It is 62 credits. Once in the program the student will need to complete three semesters. (Fall, Spring and Summer)
62249 Shimmel Road
Centreville MI 49032
1-269-294-4253 or 1-888-994-7818 ext 253
6767 West “O” Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49009
6767 West “O” Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49009
62249 Shimmel Road
Centreville MI 49032
1-269-294-4253 or 1-888-994-7818 ext 253
6767 West “O” Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49009
6767 West “O” Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49009
450 North Ave.
Battle Creek, MI 48037
Note: This is an Associate Degree in Applied Science, Physical Therapist Assistant. This is a selective admission program. Once accepted into the program it is a 5 semester program. (Fall, Spring, Summer, Fall and Summer)
450 North Ave.
Battle Creek, MI 48037
Note: This is an Associate Degree in Applied Science, Radiography. This is a selective admission program. Once accepted into the program it is a 4 semester program. (Fall, Spring, Summer and Fall)
6767 West “O” Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49009