News and Success Stories


“Members of Whitmer administration talk workforce development at Kellogg Community College” Battle Creek Enquirer

“Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s post-State of the State “Home for Opportunity Tour” began on Friday, with members of the governor’s administration hosting a roundtable at Kellogg Community College’s Regional Manufacturing Technology Center.”

Michigan Works! Southwest Announces the Availability of Training Dollars to Assist Businesses Expand Their Pool of Skilled Workers

The Going PRO Talent Fund, also known as simply the Talent Fund, provides funding to employers for customized short-term training to enhance the skills of current employees, encourage new hires and expand apprenticeship programs.

Road Commission of Kalamazoo County Announces First Road Commission Apprenticeship in the State of Michigan

The Road Commission of Kalamazoo County (RCKC) is proud to announce the approval to move forward with the Municipal Maintenance Technician (Roadway Technician) Registered Apprenticeship Program.

Michigan Works! Southwest Announces Neighborhood Employment Hubs in Battle Creek

Michigan Works! Southwest recently announced a local initiative designed to develop talent and increase the local employment rate…

Burning Glass Analytics and Real Time Jobs Data Report for Michigan Works! Southwest

A Message from the Director

Michigan Works! Southwest is committed to ensuring that our local workforce is trained, educated
and employment ready, and that our local employers are fully equipped with the talent needed to
succeed in the ever-changing economy.

Rey Guzman Chosen as Michigan Works! Impact Award Winner

Rey Guzman, economic/community development specialist with the Michigan Talent Investment Agency (TIA) Industry Engagement Division, has been named a 2018 Michigan Works! Impact Award Winner.

State Legislators and Talent Leaders Honor Michigan Works! Southwest Workforce Development Results

State leadership and lawmakers came together this week to honor southwest Michigan leaders for their efforts to create jobs and develop talent in their communities.

Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Outcomes

Michigan Works! Southwest 2016-2017 Outcomes have been released! Download PDF Reader  View Full List Of Results
Burning Glass Analytics and Real Time Jobs Data Report for Michigan Works! Southwest

Sherman’s CDL-A certification leads to full-time employment with a bucket list employer

When Sherman came into the Michigan Works! Southwest Service Center he was frustrated with seasonal employment for rotating employers.

A proud partner of the American Job Center network.

An equal opportunity employer / program supported by the State of Michigan. 1-800-285-WORK (9675).
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request. Dial 711 Relay Center and TTY. Supported in part with state and/or federal funds.