News and Success Stories


Michigan Works! Southwest’s Policy and Planning Administrator Earns Her Local Labor Market Information User Certification

Congratulations to Amanda Rosenberg, Michigan Works! Southwest’s Planning and Policy Administrator, on receiving her Local Labor Market Information User Certification! Amanda earned this certification through a three-day labor market information (LMI) training developed by the Michigan Bureau of Labor Market Information and Strategic Initiatives, which trained her in how to use LMI to transform the…

Want More from Your Career?

Michigan Works! means more skills, more opportunities and more money! Whether you’re a first-time job seeker, switching careers, looking to gain new skills to advance in your career, a veteran or a justice-involved individual, we can help you find what you’re looking for — our job is to find you the best job! Michigan Works!…

Meet Betsy Sanchez, Shining Star for the Month of July!

Betsy is an Employer Resource Network® (ERN) Success Coach. She is detailed, team and customer focused employee, who customers feel safe with, resulting in her ability to form long-lasting relationships with those she serves, which is imperative when addressing barriers to employment. Betsy is a tremendous support to the ERN® success coach team, even while…

Meet Devon Ivy, Shining Star for the Month of June!

Devon is a Career Navigator in the Kalamazoo County Service Center. He continually goes above and beyond in his role, ensuring customers receive top quality service and attention with a cool and calm presence. Devon displays great flexibility and attention to detail as well as providing exceptional customer service to all job seekers. When the…

Meet Jeana Hamilton, May’s Shining Star!

Jeana goes out of her way to make customers comfortable by greeting everyone with a smile and a pleasant voice and by consistently maintaining a positive attitude. She is a top-notch multi-tasker, serving multiple customers at a time and never misses a step in the registration process, or for any other need in the service…

Michigan Works! Southwest Has Been Selected to Participate in the USDOL’s First Job Quality Academy

Michigan Works! Southwest, in partnership with Pulse, has been selected to lead one of 16 teams nationwide chosen to participate in the U.S. Department of Labor’s first Job Quality Academy. The academy brings teams led by workforce boards and agencies from across the country together to share expertise and develop plans to enhance good jobs…

Michigan Works! Southwest, in partnership with Pulse, has been selected to participate in the USDOL’s Job Quality Academy

Michigan Works! Southwest, in partnership with Pulse, is excited to announce selection to participate in the United States Department of Labor’s Job Quality Academy, alongside 15 other teams, selected competitively, representing communities across the nation.

Meet April Hamilton, Shining Star for the month of April!

The Michigan Works! Southwest team wishes to congratulate April Hamilton on being selected as the Shining Star for the month of April.

Meet Geovany Ulario, March’s Shining Star

Geovany demonstrates patience and compassion when working with difficult customers and consistently displays a positive attitude. He is always willing to help others and strives to make not only customers, but also his co-workers feel welcome. Geovany has the ability to relate to others and he actively listens to understand. When confronted with challenging situations,…

Meet Danielle Sommers, February’s Shining Star!

Danielle consistently goes above and beyond expectations when providing services to individuals in the Branch County community and proficiently serves a high number of non-English speaking customers. along with her daily workload, she has continuously shown exceptional organizational and problem-solving skills. Danielle’s nominator noted that she is well equipped to endure the rigors of career…

Meet April Gordon, January’s Shining Star

April is a valued member of the Michigan Works! Southwest team in her role as an ERN Success Coach. April’s nominator described her as someone who has a kind heart, is always willing to jump in and help her team, and continually strives to grow professionally. April’s recent interactions with two new employers resulted in…
New Federal Rule

New Federal Rule Would Have Catastrophic Consequences For Michigan’s Businesses and Talent

Employers and job seekers could be left with fewer Michigan Works! staff and locations to serve them if the proposed Wagner-Peyser Staffing Act rule is implemented.

A proud partner of the American Job Center network.

An equal opportunity employer / program supported by the State of Michigan. 1-800-285-WORK (9675).
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request. Dial 711 Relay Center and TTY. Supported in part with state and/or federal funds.