Branch Area Careers Center Highlight
February is Career and Technical Education Month, and Michigan Works! Southwest is proud to highlight the great work being done at the Branch Area Careers Center!
The Branch Area Careers Center (BACC) is dedicated to service students from Branch County and the surrounding region by providing 14 innovative Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. These programs are designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in today’s workforce.
The BACC offers comprehensive career development counseling to students in grades 7 through 12 across Branch County. Career exploration begins as early as 6th grade, with multiple opportunities for students to learn about various career paths. To help students identify programs that align with their interests and abilities, they visit the BACC during 8th and 10th grades.
Additionally, in collaboration with Michigan Works! Southwest, all Branch County 9th grade students participate in the annual 9th Grade Career Day. This event brings together local businesses, industry partners, and BACC programs to engage students in hands-on activities and provide valuable insights into diverse career opportunities. Through these experiences, students gain a clearer understanding of how to pursue careers that match their skills and aspirations.
Dustin Scharer, Assistant Superintendent of BACC, shares, “We greatly appreciate the support of Michigan Works! Southwest for our 9th Grade Career Day. Students cannot be what they cannot see, and this day provides an opportunity for students to see many career opportunities!”
The BACC takes great pride in enrolling over 55% of Branch County High School graduates and plays a pivotal role in shaping the career development of students throughout the county. By fostering connections between education and industry, the BACC empowers students to build successful futures and contribute meaningfully to their communities.
Kris Jenkins, Branch ISD Superintendent and Michigan Works! Southwest Workforce Development Board Member shares, “Career and Technical Education programs, like those offered at the Branch Area Careers Center, are essential in bridging the gap between education and industry. In partnership with organizations like Michigan Works! Southwest, we ensure that students are not only career-ready but also aligned with the needs of local businesses and industries, fostering economic growth and community prosperity.”
To learn more about CTE and education, check out Michigan Works! Southwest’s Career Stories – Education video, featuring the Calhoun Area Career Center, by clicking HERE